Wednesday, August 1, 2012

striking gold.

For a really long time, I was under the impression that I'd either:

a. have to wait forever and a a day for "the right guy" to come along because I am little miss picky; or
b. be stuck alone because I may or may not be hard to take, at times, and have trouble finding someone that would put up with me. (Come on, we all have our moments, don't we?)


The truth is, I struck gold with Anthony; and
the sad fact is? He is too humble to ever ever know it, let alone believe it.

I had to go to the bank yesterday, and asked if he wanted to come along. He showed up a few minutes late because he was busy throwing together a surprise picnic lunch that we ate at "the flower bridge" in my town. Seriously?

Color me: smitten


  1. This is a super sweet post, and what he did was obviously super sweet too. <3
    He seems awesome, I can't wait to meet him when I go to your coast to visit my new cousins. :)
    Btw I love the new color scheme. The blue and white looks very clean and reminds me of the beach. :)

    1. :) :) :)

      Thanks! I was hoping for a "beachy" feel =]

  2. That's so sweet. Love when guys do sweet things. Oh and love the new design. Very neat and pretty!

    1. :)

      Thanks! Was hoping to clean it up a bit! :)

  3. I saw the picture of his picnic lunch on Instagram and thought it was the sweetest thing! I still do! I'm glad you've found someone so wonderful who makes you so happy. :)

  4. OMG - that is so cute! Very sweet of him!

  5. Super sweet! Keep ahold of him for sure! :)
