Monday, September 24, 2012

how to train your dragon -- oops, I mean dog.

As some may already know, I share a home with a giant pain the in ass. She is a destructive, defiant, golden retriever-shaped, furry little bee-otch.

Maddie, the 14-month-old terror is, well, a problem dog. (Okay, maybe I'm a problem owner, but, let's hold all judgment until the end...)

Casualties in this terrible battle thus far? To name a few, three cherry cabinet doors. One bathroom wall. One wall in our hallway. Two walls in the living room, and three in the dining room. Not to mention, hair everywhere. When you take her out at night -- you know, when it is dark, scary, and you're wishing you packed your pepper spray on your way out the door? That is when she finds it most suitable to take six hours to take a shit because she found the perfect twig to gnaw on. The list goes on...

I know, by now you're all probably wondering -- so why haven't you killed her yet?

And trust me. Most days, I wonder the same thing. And dream of happier times where I can wake up to a world where Maddie don't live here no mo'. Oh, and where riding your bike on the road is punishable by my front bumper. But, I digress.

However, there is this one thing, one minor detail that no one seems to take into account... I really and truly believe that Maddie is... special. Seriously. I think she is actually mentally challenged. A special needs dog. No joke.

Don't feel bad for her, though. This very affliction is saving her life. ;)


  1. 1. Love the new name and layout! And the bit about me at the top is too much - you are too nice!

    2. I really, like really, really, really, want a dog, but I don't want to train one! Which is why I have 3 cats. I just had to show them where the litter box was, and they were good to go.

    3. Please throw your dog over your shoulders like that and take a picture.

    Good luck!

  2. Ha! I die over that DVD cover. And I sincerely hope after the training you will be carrying Maddie like that :)

  3. I laughed out loud when I read this: "Upon seeing the DVD, I asked my mom, "will I be carrying Maddie like that afterward?" She didn't think I was as funny as I did." Hilarious.

  4. Hi! I found you through 20SB. This comment has nothing to do with this post, but I wanted to let you know that I lovelovelove the ampersand in your header. That's weird right? Probably.

  5. Oh Maddie, sounds like a typical 14-month-old puppy! :) This is what we call their "teenage stage" when they pretty much act like teenagers, refusing to listen, tons of energy, and an endless amount of new behaviors to throw in your face. Believe me my 11-month-old collie is giving me a run for my money. I tell him on a daily basis, the fact that he's survived yet another day is a good thing.

    I'd check out this website if you want to learn a bit more about what your puppy is going through: and feel free to ask me questions, God knows I've had enough puppies in the last six years to right a book about them.
