Tuesday, January 8, 2013

what's new

What's new, what's new...

Gosh, who knows. I can't even remember what I did this past weekend. It's Tuesday right?

I know I worked Saturday night... my first non-training shift at Starbucks -- woohoo! Official barista status here, people!

I worked this morning too. My first opening shift. Arose from my warm little nest of a bed, and left for work at 4:45AM ... #wtf. But I have to say, the one "bye bye bed." was it. By the time I was there, I was awake as though it was a normal time of day. And I have to say, working 5am-12pm was the fastest shift ever. The morning shift speeds right on by, and I think I can get used to the early mornings.... I would totally be up for some more of those! Definitely prefer them to the three closing shifts I got for two weekends from now, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Honestly, if you asked me what the worst schedule would be, it would be exactly that. So I'm not thrilled about it. But hopefully it's only for this week. They can't possibly expect me to give up my entire weekend to a part-time job, right? With school and everything? That would be it, all of my time would be sucked dry. Ugh. I guess we'll see. Blah.

In other news, I know it is now January 8th, but if anyone is still interested in Christmas past, since I have been such a lazy blogger, here are a few pictures from the holidays...

Anthony & I at Mohegan Sun. I had been hoping to get a picture with him in front of the cute little Christmas display at the entrance to the mall. Woohoo! I finally got my Christmas wish! (Ha, not really, but you know..)

Christmas Eve photo frenzy at Anthony's house where he made me look like a midget. But it also shows you just how small their tree was. He wasn't happy with that tree, haha. He kept referring to it as a "poop tree". Hehe.


 Us with his brother, he calls himself my boyfriend in law. Haha. We went to the casino while Anthony has been away. He was my hall pass. Baha. Just kidding.

Two midgets! Myself and Anthony's sister, my lil BFF who not only makes me look short (given that she is years younger than me), but also fat. ;)

And one last one of us in front of his family's gorgeous fireplace.

It was a fantastic Christmas overall, and New Year's wasn't half bad either, if you exclude the fact that Anthony was shipped off to TURKEY the next day. ;) Hehe. But, he is home a week from tomorrow! Sheesh, what a grueling week it has been. I will be kissing the ground he walks on come next Wednesday.

Welp, that's all for now. I'm trying to watch some of my DVR'd shows to free up some room for tonight's Pretty Little Liars premiere thang. Getting up at 4 doesn't exactly have me prepared to stay up much past 8:30 or 9, lol.

Hope you all are well! God I can't wait until I have a laptop again. Better shake a leg too, school starts back up in two weeks. Ahh!


  1. your guys' Christmas pictures are so cute!!

  2. Oh man, you ar so can-do about your scheduling! Makes me wonder how bad your last job had to be to chase you into Starbuck's arms...
    Keep truckin', we're all here rooting for ya!
