Tuesday, August 14, 2012

ten secrets!

Happy Tuesday everyone! Phew, finally a day off from work!

Today I'm linking up with Lauren & Tiffany for the Ten Day You Challenge taking place every Tuesday for the next ten weeks! Woohoo!

The first Tuesday's topic is ten secrets.

Here goes.. have a little peek into Sam-brain!

Now, some of these aren't really secrets, as I don't have that many that I can remember, and are just little facts that not all may know about me. Sound good? Good.

1| I wish my boyfriend and cousin were not friends.
This may sound a little bitchy & ungrateful given how we met through my cousin, but equally, knowing all the crap we have put up with since? Life would just be easier if I were the particular flavor of bitch that gives the it's him or me ultimatum.

2| I wish Taylor Swift had never discovered the flat iron.
She's a cute girl, don't get me wrong. But the straight hair? No no no!

3| I secretly can't stand one or two people I follow on Blogger.
So why do I follow them, you ask? I have no idea. One of them acts like life is perfect to the point where I start to worry something is wrong with mine for not being that way. Basically, if you aren't honest on the blog, I'm not a huge fan.... but apparently follow anyway? And don't worry, if you're reading my blog, you aren't one of them. I guarantee you the ones that I'm referring to don't come here.

4| When leaving the house, I almost always have to go back inside for something.
I don't know why I am so disorganized. I'll lock the door, get in my car, start the car, and then remember something I left inside. Scatter brained! ;)

5| When I make Velveeta boxed mac & cheese, I eat the cheese while waiting.
Gross, I know. But it's true. I snack on the cheesy goo stuff that you mix in while the water boils and the shells cook.

6| We put my dog down 9 months ago, and I still sleep with her collar behind my pillow.
Sounds strange, I know. And it's not that I sit there and cry about it every single night. More like, I slept with it the night we put her down, popped it behind my pillow the night after that, and it never seems like the "right" time to remove it... you know?

7| Photography > Medical Field
As much and as badly as I want to become a nurse and work in the ER, if I could find a way to make a living as a photographer, I would probably do it. Being a nurse is one of my dreams, but being a photographer would be fulfilling a passion. Dorky, I know.

8| For some reason, I get anxious when our land line rings.
My mom, brother, and I all use cell phones. We don't even answer our house phone because the call is never for any of us personally. I think that is why whenever the land line rings, I get a little "... who the heck could that be?" Like it is someone calling with bad news or something. Hey-- I'm weird.

9| I miss a lot of calls in the morning because my phone is on silent.
I sleep with my phone on silent, and only use it for the alarm. For some reason, I never remember to (or forget to care to) take my phone off silent. I can't tell you how many times my mom or Anthony or my boss or whomever have called and been ignored because my darn phone is still on silent at almost noon.

10| I love putting money in the bank.
It just feels awesome after busting ass at work to drive up to the ATM and put my tip money in. Especially lately as I've been having to pay for a lot of expenses... it feels good to watch the number go up instead of down. Know what I mean?



  1. It is SUCH a good feeling to put money on the bank LOL! I think someonr needs to break all of T Swift's straightiners. That girl has beautiful hair! I too feel weird when I'm in a home with a land line LOL. Great link up :)

  2. I agree - Taylor needs to keep her curls!

  3. i want to be a nature photographer :)

    hilarious that you can't stand two bloggers, i feel like my life is a mess sometimes too when i read other peole's "perfect" life.

  4. When I was in high school I had a friend who basically was like him or me take your pic. Good thing I chose him because I ended up marrying him, but it is harder to do that with family and it is even harder to have that crystal ball to know what is going to happen to your relationships future. I would consider deleting all of the people you hate on gfc. I did it and I feel free (I hate blog snobs). I am not going to pretend I like you or reading your blog because frankly I don't have time. I read every single post that comes through my dashboard, so if I follow you, it better be worth my time. ha thanks for putting that one up there so I could rant about it!

    And I always feel like a boss at the bank! BOSS!

    And I wish I had even a sliver of photography skills. Instead I am a nurse. Ha who's dream is to become an ER nurse after I get more experience under my belt. I would say you could do both!

  5. I did this link up too! And I completely agree with number 10!

  6. Oh and also.. I started school a photo major and have switched to science. I completely agree, it is so hard to make a living with that job, I wish it was more realistic.

  7. Oh man, my phone is always on silent! My parents aren't really fans of this when they need to get a hold of me and I don't pick up :P
    And I love putting my money in the bank! According to my mom I've always liked saving my money, even as a child, so it always feels good to see my balance go up, even if only by a little bit!
    I'm thrilled to be your newest follower and would love it if you would swing by my blog sometime :)
    Sapir @ coffeebooksandairplanes.blogspot.com

  8. I never have my phone off silent when I'm sleeping. I just want some peace and quiet for a few hours...haha. BUT, if there's an emergency I am screwed. I wouldn't hear it. :( We both might have to change that.

  9. I found you through the link up. I totally agree with #2. I thought she was so cute and unique with her wildly curly hair!

  10. Hi Sam! I totally think that Taylor Swift should leave her hair curly. I am with you on missing several calls in the morning because my phone is on silent. I don't want people waking me up before I'm ready to get up. Found your blog through the linkup!

  11. defriend those bloggers! I agree with lauren, I read (and pretty much comment) on everything that comes through my reader, so I'd like it to be with while. So glad you linked up! Can't wait to read your loves next week!
