Saturday, December 1, 2012


 Hey everyone!

Happy Friday!

Can you believe it is December already? Holy shit.

Shocking rapid progression of 2012 aside, I feel like I have been MIA lately. I mean, I posted yesterday, but aside from that, I haven't really been online since about Tuesday.

But, I have news.

Fabulous news.

Aside from the fact that things are looking somewhat grim for my brother and his cougar. (What?)

I received said news at work yesterday afternoon....


Ahh!! Elation. Sweet bliss. The liberation of being able to march down to my boss's office and give my sweet, sweet two weeks notice.

Oh but wait. I'm a giant wuss. And now that phase one (landing the job) is complete, phase two (telling my boss) has me shitting bricks.

Especially since I work directly with her every Friday and it's fun.

I feel like she would be totally blind sided by this.

And take it personally.

Because her employees are more friends than employees. Which is probably why her business doesn't run smoothly, thus forcing me to seek employment elsewhere. Hmm. That's an awkward little "full circle" phenomenon, eh?

Any suggestions for giving notice? Gulp.


  1. Nice!! I know you've been wanting to leave CB for a looong time now. My advice? Just do it. Its super scary, and there is no easy way to bring up you're leaving, but you have to get it out there. ASAP. OR else you'll be at CB forever. hahah :)

    -Erin The Lurker

  2. Congrats on your new job!!! That's so exciting!

    And when I wasn't sure how to break the news to a manager, I wrote down my two week's notice and handed it to her. Actually, she was on the phone when I was going to give it to her and the assistant manager saw me holding the paper so he took it and handed it to her and she almost yelled while she was taking an order. I felt bad. But in the end, she knew the move was good for me and was happy for me.

  3. Whoo hoo! Have you turned it in yet? I always just type up a letter, hand it to my boss and say "here's my 2 weeks notice. My last day will be xzy." I always hardcore panic every time, but there's nothing to worry about! This happens. You obviously can't work there forever! And trust me, you'll feel so relieved once you do it.
