Tuesday, February 5, 2013

tuesday topics

Heya folks! Linking up today with Lauren and Tiffany for their awesome Tuesday Topics!

This week's topic (five activities to do in your hometown) should be interesting, considering my hometown over the last 23 years of my life has proven to be the most boring town in America! ---->

But for the sake of this challenge, and you lovely reader(s) of mine... I'll try.

one. You can wash your car
two. You can sit in the Starbucks parking lot trying to think of things to do.
three. You can mow your lawn or shovel your driveway... weather permitting, of course.
four. You can spend $10.50 to see a movie after driving 20 minutes to the other side of town to get there. And ultimately the gross waste of a grand total of about $30 really makes it seem like too much of a process to go through with.
five. You can get gas. Across the street from Starbucks.

In neighboring towns, however, we have Mohegan Sun (by neighboring, I mean an hour away :p), the mall (25 minutes or so), another Starbucks, more ice cream places, Walmart... you know, all that ordinary stuff.

Don't move to Connecticut.

Unless of course you like more or less nice towns with low crime rates. :p

Happy Tuesday! Hopefully yours will be more eventful than mine! :)


  1. haha oh come now! I have seen some of those gorgeous photos you take, it is very pretty! Plus with all those long drives to the bigger cities, you can pretend you are the Gilmore Girls! haha!

  2. sounds a lot like my hometown.. gotta love the small-town life!

  3. Well, as long as there is a Starbucks and its not a "dry" town, I'm in.

    Following you because you made me laugh.

    And visiting from Tuesday Topics.


  4. I totally want to move to Connecticut just based on your pictures of your town on Instagram! This is a fine topic. As I was reading yours I started to think of things to do in my town, although I tend to think of the entire Twin Cities as my town. If I were to write specifically about my zip code, the list would read just like yours!

  5. Wow, fabulous pics. Glad I found your blog via What Jean Likes. I hope to see you at My Dream Canvas :)

  6. Stopping by from the blog hop to say hello!

    -Kelly :)

